While I appreciate the emphasis on movement, I am dissapointed with many of the outdated reccomendations made in this post. The postural model of pain has not held up to research. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21419349/)
Recent systematic reviews have shown their is no ideal posture and posture is not a contributor of pain.
Worse, the message to avoid "bad posture" may cause harm as it creates fear-avoidant behaviors. (https://journals.lww.com/pain/Abstract/9000/Fear_avoidance_beliefs_are_associated_with_reduced.98177.aspx)
Furthermore, lifting with a rounded back is completely safe. (https://www.jospt.org/doi/abs/10.2519/jospt.2020.9218)
Our spines are strong, they are not fragile and unstable. The theory of shortened muscles (upper and lower cross syndome) has never been validated in research.
Again, I appreciate the recommendations of activity and healthy lifestyle (plant based is a great option but not the only healthy diet), but the posture message is perpetuating health misinformation.
The links above are all for reserach. If you are interested in reading articles about the content, I reference more in the following posts: