Tempo is a component of muscle growth but I do not believe current research supports it is the most important. I would argue volume is still the bigger issue, with many people not reaching their potential and then missing the mark on recovery (sleep, diet, rest).
Brad Shoenfeld has a couple of recent reserach summarize that discuss what influences muscle hypertrophy:
I wrote up stories about two of the common misunderstandings: rep scheme (https://medium.com/in-fitness-and-in-health/there-is-no-magical-muscle-building-rep-zone-248de33c5cf3) and exercise time (https://medium.com/in-fitness-and-in-health/cant-find-time-to-exercise-here-are-some-ways-to-improve-exercise-efficiency-cfce8c8b2459)
I do think this research on tempo is valuable information. Thank you for sharing.