I’m glad you are getting results but your anecdotal experience does not prove an effect. Many factors can be at play. Has your caloric intake or food composition changed with a smaller eating window? Has your sleep or activity changed since starting.
Anecdotes are the lowest form of evidence and cannot prove causation. I would do my readers a disservice emphasizing anecdotal evidence over randomized control trials.
Dr. Fung ignores the clinical trials and focuses on mechanism and animal studies. I have read his work and strongly disagree with it, as do many in the nutrition field. He is more focused on selling books and supporting his message than reporting an unbiased view. He cherry picks studies.
I have and expect to continue changing my mind on many topics. I used to be a huge advocate for fasting. Current evidence suggests it’s a good tool for caloric control and nothing else. If you have human randomized control trials that show fasting is superior to non fasting (with calories equated), I’d love to read them.