I recently wrote an article about squat depth, compression, and knee positioning:


Compression is one of the best things for bone and cartilage health. The "no squatting" claim is outdated and does not follow research. Squatting is safe, a movement we can't avoid (sitting and standing from chairs, toilet, floor, etc.), and healthy.

I'm working on an article that discusses various forms of deadlifting and I will add one fro squat as well. In short, perform the squats that are comfortable for you. Gradually build up the range of motion, resistance, speed, and type (foot placement, weight placement).

Zachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCS
Zachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCS

Written by Zachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCS

A physical therapist helping you understand and apply the latest health research | https://www.tiktok.com/@zachwalstondpt

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